Why Your Nervous System Is Making You Feel Unsafe

In this video clip from the Selling With Love Podcast, Jason Marc Campbell sits down with the great and powerful Daniel Packard to reveal how our body's warning system - the nervous system - can make us feel scared and worried when it's not taken care of, just like how a tooth can become sensitive when we don't brush it properly.

👉 Watch The Full Episode Here - https://youtu.be/rxhJcxA61HI

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🎙️Guest’s Bio
Daniel Packard is a pioneering mental health and performance expert with over eight years of research and 3,000 case studies across five continents. Specializing in anxiety, procrastination, perfectionism, and low confidence, Daniel has developed a groundbreaking system to help entrepreneurs, leaders, and salespeople overcome emotional barriers and achieve lasting success. Featured on top podcasts like Think Unbroken and Mindvalley, Daniel combines engineering precision with compassionate insights to deliver fast, measurable, and permanent results.